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Nocturnes urbains, une traversée de la fête des lumières lyonnaise : 2002-2004, participation, résid


Urban Nocturnes a view of lyon's fête des lumières participation residences partnership Claire Peillod Between 2002 and 2004 the Fête des Lumières, Lyon's «8 December» festival, took on a new challenge, namely that of reinforcing its growing theatrical, touristic and popular dimensions, while at the same time enhancing its artistic quality and promoting civic values : collective identity, the sharing of public space in a spirit of celebration, and, in some parts of the city, the renewal of social bonds. The intention was that it should be an inclusive rather than an exclusive occasion, and that it should connect up long-term, in-depth work with its relatively fleeting duration. Contemporary art and theatre, but also applied disciplines such as lighting and landscape design, and the different aspects of urbanism, are rich in participative problematics. And artists are often socially committed individuals, notably in terms of their actions in public spaces. These three successive Fêtes des Lumières featured works whose common points were light, urban space and the recruitment of the spectators as protagonists. Participative or interactive, they marked the passage from «Festival» to «Fête», and from contemplation to the complex co-presence of the artist and the public. Claire Peillod is a former independent exhibition curator and consultant in public art. She was the artistic director of the Fête des Lumières up to December 2004. She also created Lyon's BF15 art centre to focus on the problematics of the artist's function in society, and was its director between 2000 and 2004. She is now the head of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design in Reims.

Produit indisponible

Urban Nocturnes a view of lyon's fête des lumières participation residences partnership Claire Peillod Between 2002 and 2004 the Fête des Lumières, Lyon's «8 December» festival, took on a new challenge, namely that of reinforcing its growing theatrical, touristic and popular dimensions, while at the same time enhancing its artistic quality and promoting civic values : collective identity, the sharing of public space in a spirit of celebration, and, in some parts of the city, the renewal of social bonds. The intention was that it should be an inclusive rather than an exclusive occasion, and that it should connect up long-term, in-depth work with its relatively fleeting duration. Contemporary art and theatre, but also applied disciplines such as lighting and landscape design, and the different aspects of urbanism, are rich in participative problematics. And artists are often socially committed individuals, notably in terms of their actions in public spaces. These three successive Fêtes des Lumières featured works whose common points were light, urban space and the recruitment of the spectators as protagonists. Participative or interactive, they marked the passage from «Festival» to «Fête», and from contemplation to the complex co-presence of the artist and the public. Claire Peillod is a former independent exhibition curator and consultant in public art. She was the artistic director of the Fête des Lumières up to December 2004. She also created Lyon's BF15 art centre to focus on the problematics of the artist's function in society, and was its director between 2000 and 2004. She is now the head of the Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design in Reims.

Nombre de pages
la Passe du vent
Date de parution
20.0 x 20.0 x 0.9 cm

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